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breakfast | The Understated

Tag breakfast

C3 – Coco Citric Cooler

Ingredients: Orange & Coconut Hydration is one of the most common concerns in summer. Remaining hydrated all day long is the key to optimal bodily function. Being well hydrated ensures that you are energized and active throughout the day. Coconut water is undoubtedly the best hydrating drink (after water) and Orange, one of the healthiest beverages as it offers a wide range of health benefits. Try combining both these superpowers

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Quick Oat-Nuts Shake

Ingredients: Oats, Almonds, Walnuts, Skimmed Milk & Honey. Quick & deliciously satisfying way to start your day. Just blend in a heaped spoonful of Oats & a handful of nuts together, then pour in some skimmed milk with a touch of honey ( i am not a sweet tooth person… so i add very little, you may add some more as per your taste). That’s it! Best Served Cold. Ingest

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